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Life Alignment

Dr. Jeff Levin, DNM (Doctor of Natural Medicine) developed the techniques and methodology of the LIFE ALIGNMENT systems.

Jeff, a former architect, has worked with energy healing for almost 4 decades.

Since 1991 he's been

teaching Body Alignment Technique and associated courses, spending 9 months of each year traveling internationally to lecture and teach.

Jeff is dedicated to personal and global healing and his transformational techniques are changing the lives of thousand of people around the world.

To find out more about LIFE ALIGNMENT, please visit our website:

LIFE ALIGNMENT is a powerful, integrated system of vibrational healing which facilitates the release of energetic and emotional blockages.

It is designed to bring about a deeper awareness of life purpose, restore your health and vitality and promote harmony and fulfillment in your life.

In addition to aligning us to our true nature LIFE ALIGNMENT can bring about positive transformation in the following areas;

With gentle guidance, you come to greater awareness of the negative beliefs and thought- patterns that may be creating stress and illness in your life. Energy is then focused to help dissolve any mental or emotional blockages and support your body to heal itself.

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Health and well being

Family and relationships

Home, workplace and environment Career and business


As the foundation of the LIFE ALIGNMENT system, Body Alignment works in depth with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of your being.

Using muscle testing, your practitioner acquires detailed information concerning unresolved issues and trauma, which often show up as symptoms in your physical body.



LIFE ALIGNMENT helps to harmonize us with all aspects of our life.

When we find and live in alignment with our inner purpose, we have the foundation for fulfilling our outer purpose: to live with kindness and compassion for ourselves and for all living things, in harmony with Nature.

The governing principle of LIFE ALIGNMENT is the inter-relatedness of all things.

We are part of a vast interconnected universe and thus for healing to take place, the human body-mind and its environment must be addressed as one.

It is our higher Self, alone, that knows the stories we hold in our subconscious library, where they are buried in our body, and when we are ready to let them go.

LIFE ALIGNMENT provides a catalyst for profound change through identifying the underlying cause of energetic and emotional imbalances. Its gentle techniques release us from fear and doubt and open our hearts to presence and trust.

It is a deeply transformational process which facilitates self-awareness, physical and emotional healing, spiritual connection and self-empowerment.

Life is the divine mystery that calls us into alignment with the greater whole through life’s healing energy – love...



Claire Macias

Tel: +972-50-8895854
Mexico City, Mexicol


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