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Who I am

As someone who works in releasing attachment to our life stories,
I thought that introducing myself through 28 things you should know about me would be much more fun!

So... 28 things:

  1.  I was born in southern France and lived there until the age of 3.

  2.  At that time my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and our family moved back to Venezuela.
    My mother's prognosis gave her 3 months to live. She's still alive and healthy!


  3. When I was little, I didn't understand why grownups were always amazed by my date of birth - February 29th ;) It's every 4 years.
    Yes - I celebrate every year.


  4. I come from lineages of commerce, trade and entrepreneurship, yet for most of my life I believed I didn't "inherit the gene".    

  5. I went abroad for the first time at the age of 3 weeks.     
    My father always loved to travel and this  is a love I learned from him.


  6. When I was little I loved the color pink. In an ideal world, everything would have been pink.

  7. My earliest memories are from when I was 1 year old.

  8. I love music!
    My memories from the time I was in school are by songs and I remember what happened throughout the years by the albums that were released at that time.
    Until today, I can have a profound conversation or be concentrated and have an additional channel in my brain for for music.


  9. I am fluent in Spanish, English and Hebrew and can speak some French.

  10. I met the whole cast of FRIENDS having lunch at a restaurant.
    I was shocked and couldn't speak (also, I was 12..) and it was literally a scenario I had daydreamed!


  11. Speaking of daydreaming - it was always one of my superpowers growing up.
    Back then it was seen as a fantasy world, but throughout my life it has created miracles.


  12. I have a degree in Political Science and International Relations.
    Since I was little I knew I wanted to change the world for the better and when it was time for me to decide what I want to be when I grow up - I thought I'd make my mark through the world of diplomacy.


  13. In 2010 I quit my high-salary job in high-tech and went to travel the world.

  14. I had an accident the day before my 26th birthday.
    It was my first near-death experience and it changed my life.


  15. I broke my rib and yet continued traveling until I realized I need to allow my body to heal. So I returned home for a month and a half and then continued traveling.

  16. I love coffee. I mean, really love it!
    Champagne too.


  17. Until I moved to Tel Aviv, I always wanted to live in New York.
    I still travel there every time I can.


  18. I love to laugh!

  19. In 2016 I went to Burning Man for the first time.
    I knew nothing about it except for it being in the desert. I got my ticket 2 weeks before the event and went into a state of shock when I realized the amount of preparations needed.
    During the whole week in the desert I actually thought I made a mistake in going because it was very rough on me. At the end of the week I couldn't wait for the event next year. ​


  20. When I got to San Francisco, I realized I forgot my Burning Man ticket back home in Tel Aviv. As someone who is quite self reliant and resourceful, this was a big (and much needed) lesson for me in asking for help, sharing my (embarrassing) mistakes and allowing myself to be supported.

  21. I 'naturally' turned blonde a few years ago, and turns out that it's true - blondes have fun! But maybe that's a personality trait more than a hair color determination ;)

  22. I love books and have more books than I've actually read.
    I have this belief that the books we have in our space make up part of the consciousness and frequency in it, and so whenever I have an inner calling to clean out and purge - I take my pendulum and check each book - should it stay or should I find a new home for it?


  23. I've always been connected to animals and considered myself to be a "dog Person".
    My dog Mango passed away a few years ago, and today I have 3 cats: Marcos, Batman (which moved out to the street) and Malka.


   24. ​ The lockdowns in 2020 were very hard for me. I struggled emotionally and felt like life will be 
         this way from now on, and it's not a reality I can (or want to) adapt to.

   25. In November of 2020 I traveled to Mexico City for a long visit. Three weeks into my stay, I
        knew deeply that the current chapter of my life is here. A few months later I brought my cats  
        and a year later cleared out my old apartment in Tel Aviv.

   26. This year I underwent some health issues that were not improving. It took me a year to find 
        the source: an underground stress current right under my bed. I harmonized it with a Vortex
        card in my home. My breathing changed within 10 seconds and I feel like I'm coming home to
        myself more and more everyday.

   27. I believe that collaboration and mutual support is the best way forward, it's all about WIN-WIN.

   28. My father passed away in 2019 at the age of 86. We had a difficult relationship for many years.
       He had a mental breakdown a few years prior and I chose to take care of him. It wasn't easy,
       but this time (and a lot of healing work I chose to do) helped me change our relationship and
       truly see his love and magnificence. I often feel his guidance and presence.

Pastel pink all the way (did you want to
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